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About Tremaine

The official stuff

Tremaine is a researcher, global faculty member of Duke Corporate Education (a carve-out from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business) and consultant to the private and public sector on organisational decision making. Since 2008 she has worked across Asia, Africa and Europe diagnosing decision-making difficulties and building decision-making strategies for individuals and teams in multinational organisations and government agencies. She speaks on decision science, ethical decision making, the psychology of choice and women in leadership to audiences worldwide.

Tremaine has a doctorate in ethical decision making in the biopharma sector alongside a degree in information systems, and a master’s degree in financial economics. She is the author and co-author of 5 books and founder of DECIDE: A Decision-Making Consultancy.

She currently travels from London.

My official cv is here on LinkedIn but those are so shiny and boring let’s rather just chat about the women behind all of that.

The other stuff

"Bookish and quirky with a knack for listening and unravelling challenges is a good place to start. I have this grand idea that my job is to change the world one thought at a time. Imagine if everyone knew how to think about their thinking and so make better decisions? Better decisions about their health, relationships, career or how to lead themselves and others? To make better systemic decisions for a community, company or country?

Helping people change ingrained thinking patterns is not that easy so I use multiple modalities such as keynote speaking, facilitating, lecturing and coaching. After doing all of these in the corporate world for almost a decade I had a lightbulb moment! What if I could teach these same skills to children? Wouldn’t my job be way easier? So I wrote my latest book - Raising Thinkers - Preparing Your Child For the Journey of a Lifetime. So many people around the world are passionate about teaching children to truly think beyond a syllabus that I got to work with some really interesting folks whilst pushing my comfort zone. 

I’ve also had my fair share of challenges such as living in 4 countries across 3 continents and starting a business from scratch in all of them. If being an entrepreneur means working for over a year before you see any profits, doubting yourself a million times but putting on the bravest face you have so often that, eventually, it becomes your own - then I think I can call myself an entrepreneur. Next to that, being a writer of both fiction and non-fiction has been the most hard-arsed (don’t judge - it’s in the dictionary) and unforgiving teacher I could never have wished for. Reminding me continuously that success is how you handle yourself every day and not the payoff that follows - the payoff is the reward for being successful (thank-you Steven Pressfield). Connect and share your story with me."